Pencoys School
Children’s Mental Health week
This half term we had the wonderful opportunity to shine a light on children’s mental health. The week started with a whole school assembly about the theme, ‘Growing together’ and gave us time to think about the ways we all grow- not just physically, but emotionally and mentally too. Throughout the week, every year group enjoyed a relaxing yoga session in the hall with Ms. Beesley with lights dimmed, calm music and candles flickering. For many of our children this was their first experience of yoga and was enjoyed by all, from the very youngest through to Year 6.
We are very proud here at Pencoys to be in the fortunate position of having a full time, dedicated mental health and pastoral lead who works alongside children every day. As many of you will be aware, there are currently huge waiting lists for families wishing to access support for their children through many outside agencies. Our own in-school offer means that this support is available from a very early stage and these interventions often prevent concerns from escalating and leading to referrals being made or offer support to families who are waiting for outside agency intervention.
Year 3 were excited to spread happiness on the Friday, and hand out cards to staff! They painted beautiful watercolour cards and wrote messages to staff saying thank you for all they do in school to help them. Happiness spreads happiness ? A lovely end to Children’s Mental Health Week.