Sithney School
Head of School: Helen Neil
“Living to learn, learning to live”
Tel: 01326 572910

My name is Mrs Linda May, and I am thrilled to be the Executive Headteacher of this school. I am responsible for 5 closely located schools in the Helston area; all with a unique identity and yet shared desire to offer our children the best possible start to their educational journey.
I am ably supported by an experienced Senior Teacher who is our Head of School, and a dedicated and talented staff that have the same high expectations as you do for your child. We believe in a close working relationship between teachers and parents is essential to success and we look forward to welcoming you to our many special events.
I firmly believe that every child deserves to have a happy and fulfilling primary education. I also know that children learn best through an interesting and engaging curriculum. Together, we will strive to make learning enjoyable, varied and challenging so that all children achieve well and are motivated to do their very best.
I look forward to our paths crossing and sharing some of the special moments in the life of our school.
With all good wishes,
Mrs L May
Executive Headteacher
TR13 0AE