Portreath School

What a buzz the skipping workshops caused at Portreath School!  Lizzie, skipping coach, led some fantastic sessions across the school.  She really took the children’s learning and skills forward in just one session. Cherry and Oak’s showed off their skills in a showcase. It was all about the children beating their personal bests.  They demonstrated yoga posed skipping, double unders, cross-over skipping, team skipping and even skipping with a single rope whilst doing the ‘Double Dutch’.   The children cheered each other on and celebrated each other’s successes. Lots of children purchased ropes and the school has also invested in new ropes including the longer length style. There has been lots of skipping in the playground since as a result.  What a great craze to have, keeping everyone fit at break and lunchtimes!  Thanks to Mrs Doble for arranging this great experience.