Eco Summit 2023

On Thursday 6th July, Crofty Education Trust held their first Eco Summit. The aim of the summit was for the members of the Trust Council, from all 16 schools to gather for the day to take part in workshops about different environmental issues and to decide upon eight separate environmental pledges to work towards as a trust over the next academic year.

The day was a very big success, local businesses attended and provided workshops around renewable energy technology, smart meter technology, sustainable food, and sustainable transport. The pupils made eight pledges that we will work on over the next academic year.

  • The water Wizards – We pledge to use reusable water bottles to drink from in school.
  • The Fashion Fixers – We pledge to set up a school uniform swap shop, donating back our old uniform to smaller pupils for free.
  • The Veggie Vindicators – We pledge to hold a meeting with our school caterers and agree a menu change to help reduce the impact on the climate.
  • The Fume Fighters – We pledge to do a whole school challenge to walk, scoot or bike to school, reducing the use of cars.
  • The Truth Talkers – We pledge to have a monthly update in assemblies and on the school’s newsletter with the schools climate achievements.
  • The Energy Experts – We pledge to reduce our energy consumption for the school using our smart technology to monitor.
  • The Green Guides – We pledge to work with our school cooking team to raise awareness of wonky fruit and vegetables.
  • The Recycle Rangers – We pledge to make sure that the schools have recycling bins and that we are reducing out general waste to landfill.

We have already started planning our 2024 Eco Summit where we will welcome guest speakers, the pupils will engage in various workshops and awards will be presented to the schools who have made the biggest impact on the pledges.