Parc Eglos School
Headteacher: Vicky Sanderson
“Learning today for the world of tomorrow”
Tel: 01326 572998
Email: parceglossecretary@croftymat

At Parc Eglos School we learn together to achieve success for all, based on high expectations and equality of access for all. We nurture the growth of the whole child- academically, socially, emotionally, morally and physically – whole heartedly celebrating all achievement in a safe, caring and creative environment. The whole team works together to bring learning ‘alive’ and extend pupils’ experiences so that they are well prepared for the next steps in their education.
We believe a happy child will be a successful child and work to ensure every child enjoys school and achieves success. We do this by providing the best teaching and learning experiences that we can through an exciting and engaging curriculum.
We have a very dedicated and hard-working staff who will go that extra mile – as only the best will do for the children in our care. We work in a very close partnership with parents so that every child is fully supported. We know the importance that parents play in their child’s education and so welcome your involvement in your child’s education and in the life of our school. We ask your opinion on a regular basis, as well as inviting you into school as much as possible. We encourage parents and carers to come into school to discuss any concerns or issues.
Parc Eglos is a vibrant school where children are enthusiastic and motivated to achieve and they are truly at the heart of every decision we make.
We pride ourselves on being a warm, welcoming school. We work together with parents, grandparents and the wider community to ensure the best possible education for all our children.
Mrs Vicky Sanderson
Head Teacher
Church Hill,
Parc Eglos,
TR13 8UP