Portreath 14th June 2024

Suzanne Doble, Sports Coach

Suzanne has delivered Bikeability across the Crofty Education Trust this academic year.

Her hard work, alongside the PE lead has enabled five hundred children across Crofty to complete Bikeability Level 1 and 2 training.

She is hard working and wonderful with all the young people she comes into contact with.

She really deserves this award as she has worked so hard across a large number of our schools this year.

Dawn Cocking, Catering Manager

Dawn always goes above and beyond for the staff, pupils and parents at Portreath school.

Not only is she an expert cook, she knows every child by name and their individual needs and preferences.

She actively gets involved in all of school life and does not restrict herself to her culinary duties.

She has been a long serving member of staff who is as enthusiastic and diligent today, as she was on the day she started!

She fuels us all to ensure that we are well fed and happy!